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Little Christmas Cheer for Rumah Kanak-Kanak Angels

Kuala Lumpur, December 16, 2014

Not everyone gets to spend Christmas, the magical time of year surrounded by family and friends. In recognition of this, every year volunteers from Da Ma Cai chose to spread Christmas cheer to the needy through its very own Staff-In-The-Community programme.

This Christmas, children from the Rumah Kanak-Kanak Angels at Taman Overseas Union, Kuala Lumpur had a fun time when Da Ma Cai paid them a visit with Christmas goodies and brought them out for a great Christmas dinner and spectacular show. The excited children welcomed the volunteers into their home with warm smiles and embraces.

A Christmas party is not quite complete without the fun and food. Upon arriving at the Sunway Pyramid shopping mall, the children were treated to a sumptuous Christmas dinner. It was a great opportunity for the staff and children to form a stronger bond as they got to know one another better. With the Christmas accessories put on, the meal was filled with cheers and laughter.

Right after the wonderful meal, the volunteers presented Back-to-School stationery set to all the children. As the children now have new stationery set when they return to school soon, their reactions upon receiving their gifts were absolutely priceless.

In the spirit of the season of giving, Da Ma Cai also generously donated groceries worth RM6,000 to the Home. The groceries were presented to Aunty Belinda Chew and Uncle William Chang, guardians of Rumah Kanak-Kanak Angels. It was indeed a timely gift for the Home helping them to lighten the burden.

The volunteers got the party going by bringing all the children to watch LumiAir – A Cirque Extraordinaire at Amphitheatre of Sunway Lagoon, setting the mood for a good time. The two-hour show had mesmerised the children as it featured beautiful dancers with breathtaking acrobatic performances in an illusion of colours and vibrant energy. The children had a ball of a time watching international cirque performers in brilliant costumes and stunning scenery and cheering throughout the show.

As volunteers waved goodbye to the children, shouts of “Merry Christmas” from the beaming faces of happy children clearly shown that the objective of this Programme has been achieved.









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